Educate. Empower. Prevent.

Division of the J. Moss Foundation

Happy Mother’s Day!!

By Allie Leachman

“Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs… since the payment is pure love.” – Mildred B. Vermont

In honor of Mother’s Day, we would like to share this great video with you, which shows why being a mom is the “World’s Toughest Job”.

The men and women participating in this job interview for the “director of operations” were under the impression that it was for a real position, but the “employer” had a different objective in mind. When he described the extreme conditions of the job to those being interviewed, they reacted by saying it was inhumane or questioned if it was even legal. When the “employer” finally revealed that he was describing the job a mom does, it brought tears to many of the men and women’s eyes as they thought about their own moms and all of the wonderful things they have done in their lives.

Ironically the world’s hardest job – a mom – is the one that is least appreciated. The job is 24/7 and 365 days a year. It is all encompassing, and they do not get any breaks and are not paid. Although being a mom is non-stop and consuming of every part of your life, it is described as one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have in your life. They are rewarded with the love and happiness of their children. To be a mom is to be completely selfless; they place their children’s well-being as their top priority and constantly put their own needs on hold. Moms are our listeners, healers, personal chefs, cheerleaders, and an infinite amount of other things. Personally, I would not be the person I am today without my mom and her unconditional love and continual support.

Even though Mother’s Day is only once a year, moms deserve to be appreciated all year round. They deserve so much more thanks than they get for all that they do and sacrifice for their children. This Mother’s Day I hope all of you that are moms are pampered and showered with love because you deserve that and so much more.

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy Mother’s Day!!

Your Skinny Gene Family!

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