Just Say No to Yo-Yo Dieting
With bathing suit season just around the corner, it is becoming more and more tempting to avoid the warnings and turn to... Read More
How Fad Diets Get it Right
Fad diets make a lot of promises, but usually fail to deliver long-term success. Although they do a lot wrong, like promise rapid weight loss, limit food groups, and are too strict, there is a lot we can learn from fad diets that will allow us to live a healthy lifestyle.
Skinny People Have Problems Too
We hope to rid our community of the “skinny”, first-class mentality and evolve more into Southwest Airlines’ open seating format. You see, we all have a Skinny Gene! With it comes the opportunity to choose a different seat or perspective.
So, my advise is to stop admiring others for what they have, and start by empowering yourself to take action from within. You have a Skinny Gene, now you just have to decide to turn it on !