Goal Setting for Success
By Eileen Ferrer, Skinny Gene Nutritionist
Once I learned the definition of success, I knew I needed that in my life. To be successful is a goal I set for myself early on. For some, success can be measured in terms of awards, education or wealth. If I were to measure my success in wealth, I could count all my loose change I saved in a year and say I’m that much richer. However, success is not something I can measure in only a year or even know how to measure. My goal of being successful is definitely a work in progress, and continues to be one of my long-term goals.
Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals
When setting long-term goals it is okay to be broad, and look at the big picture. You examine your life, and think about your career, finances, education, health or family, and see what needs to be improved. But when it comes to setting short-term goals it is very important to be specific and start off small. Start by having a plan. Create a one-week or five-year plan, make a to-do list or keep a diary of things you need to do to achieve your specific goal(s); revisions are always welcome. Furthermore, put emphasis on positivity. It is important to set positive goals to motivate you. So for example, along with being successful, my goal is to stay healthy (again, very broad). However, to be more specific, my health goal is to increase physical activity to lose five pounds in three months. I will achieve this by walking thirty minutes, three days a week, gradually increasing walking time to one hour every day. A pre-weight will be taken, and walks will be recorded in a daily journal to keep myself on track. By the end of three months, I will see if I’ve accomplished my goal of weight loss.
This goal was set using the concept of SMART goals. A SMART goal is a mnemonic that stands for:
S = Specific. Is your goal specific?
M = Measureable. Can you measure it?
A = Attainable. Is the goal something you can do/complete?
R = Realistic. Are you willing and able to work towards the goal?
T = Time. Is there a time frame?
My example of weight loss touches on all those elements. For additional help with goal setting, follow these tips:
- Each goal should be a positive statement.
- Make it a priority. If you have multiple goals, rate your goals by priority.
- Put it in writing. You will be able to visually see them, and it gives the goal more power.
- Keep it small. Having too large of a goal may feel like progress is just as small, but working towards the small goals can offer little rewards.
Whether you want to register for college, have glucose levels within normal limits or run a marathon, utilizing these goal setting tips can make your goals a successful reality.