How Did You Do It?
Have you ever had a friend that successfully lost weight, and asked them “so, how did you do it?”
Many Skinny Gene members who have been successful in weight loss for better health and diabetes prevention have been presented with the same question from their family and friends. How did you lose it and keep it off?
We ask the questions, but what do we want to hear the answer?
Are we asking if they went on a miracle diet, dropping pounds and pounds of weight just by taking a tiny pill a day or eliminating broccoli from their diet? We search and search for that special combination that will give us a quick fix, well, unfortunately, the truth of the matter is that it’s just not that easy…or is it?
What’s not easy is the commitment to better health. About 45 million Americans diet each year, we spend $1 billion to 2 billion per year on weight-loss programs with little success. Many of our programs out there are targeted for weight loss, but they are unable to maintain the weight loss once the program ends. So my question is why does the program ever end…and why is it a program anyway? We need to commit to a healthy lifestyle, not a diet that lasts 10 days or 3 months.
The diet for diabetes gets a bad rap. We assume diabetics must automatically eliminate all sugar and carbohydrates from their diet….such punishment. When in actuality this is not true, we should all be eating like diabetics. There are 5 key things to focus on:
- Fiber – found in fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains, helps maintain the blood sugars
- Antioxidants – found in color rich foods such as berries and spinach , help reduce oxidative stress (toxins) in the body
- Nutrient dense foods – great sources are fruits and vegetables, low calories with many vitamins and minerals and oh, yes, fiber
- Fat free dairy – great sources are milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese, help meet your calcium requirements while reducing weight, blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and heart disease
- Eat breakfast every morning – try to reach for some of those fiber rich cereals and antioxidant rich fruits
Hmmm…do you see a common thread with our 5 keys to a healthier lifestyle, diabetic or not? Yes! Focus on fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains, and you won’t have time to eat much more, well, maybe a little lean protein and essential fat, but you know what we are talking about. We need to give up the miracle weight loss scheme and commit to follow these principles for better health. It’s not a magic pill or super duper weight loss overnight, but it will help our body shed those extra pounds and be healthier over time.
By Emily Barr, MS, RD, CNSC
Want More?? Check out these posts from Emily…
Vitamin D: Sunshine Vitamin, or not?
Summertime Drinks that Won’t Bust Your Diet or Your Waistline
Best Defense Against Cellulite
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