Eat your peas, please!
Mom always said, “Eat your peas. They’re good for you!” And it turns out, Mom was right!
Peas are little green balls of goodness, with fiber, vitamins C, A, and K (and much more) – all rolled up in one.
Whether you crunch down on sugar snap peas during an afternoon snack, throw some snow peas into a vegetable stir-fry, add cooked peas to your salads, or toss in some frozen peas to your soups, peas are an easy and versatile way to add more vitamins and nutrients to your day.
One of our collaborative partners, Network for A Healthy California , launched a program called the Harvest of the Month which focuses on seasonal eating. The vegetable they choose for March’s Harvest of the Month was, you guessed it…Peas!
Now, I realize that some of you are very anti-pea, and if you’re like my husband, you’d probably chalk up your distaste for peas to some “childhood trauma”. Well, I’m asking you to give peas a chance! Just like with many other foods, the trick is in the pick and preparation. Peas are in their peak of freshness in the Spring. And let’s face it… if it’s fresher, it tastes better. So this is the perfect time to grow your own or go to your local grocery store and pick your peas.
Healthy Serving Ideas
- Add frozen or canned green peas to soups, casseroles, and rice
- Serve fresh snow and sugar snap peas with low-fat dip for a crunchy snack
- Toss fresh or frozen snow and sugar snap peas with vegetables and chicken strips for a healthy stir-fry
- Simmer green peas with sliced mushrooms and chicken broth
Produce Tips
- When buying fresh green peas, always look for them in the pod
- Fresh pods like snow and sugar snap peas should be firm, bright green, and look like they are almost bursting
- Store fresh peas in the refrigerator — unwashed and in an open plastic bag — for up to three days
- Choose low-sodium varieties of frozen or canned peas
Peas – How Much Do I Need?
- A ½ cup is about one cupped handful
- A ½ cup (fresh or cooked) is an excellent source* of vitamin K
- They are also a good source* of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate, and thiamin
- Thiamin is also called vitamin B1. It helps keep the body’s nerves healthy
The amount of fruits and vegetables that each person needs depends on age, gender, and physical activity level. Be a champion for your family’s health. Look at the chart above to find out how much each person in your family needs to be healthy. Make a plan to help them eat the recommended amount and get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.
Click to learn more about the Harvest of the Month program
About the Network For A Healthy California : The Network represents a statewide movement of local, state and national partners collectively working toward improving the health status of low-income Californians through increased fruit and vegetable consumption and daily physical activity. Multiple venues are used to facilitate behavior change in the homes, schools, worksites, and communities of low-income Californians to create environments that support fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity. For more information about the Network please visit the about us page.