SA Update:Alice’s Healthy Home
By Nancy Juarez, Skinny Gene Bilingual Nutritionist
During the course of our lives, we go through many stages, whether it is childhood, adolescence, or the transition to becoming an adult. But there is one thing that NEVER changes – the love and support from our FAMILY.
Over these last several weeks, I have encountered different ways in which I affect the lives of not only these wonderful individuals I have the pleasure of working with, but their families as well. For me, this is a way of giving a piece of myself to make the world a better place. Keeping it true to the saying “even the smallest things can make the biggest difference.”
At each appointment, I have the chance to ask every patient how their week went. I enjoy these opportunities to get to know a little more about each of them and gain a better understanding of what’s going on in their lives. During my normal chat with Alice, I learned something interesting. Something I’d like to now share with you.
From the very beginning, Alice has done extremely well in the program. She’s shown her dedication to improving her family’s health in addition to her own. Her family consists of herself, her husband, and 6 children. As you may know, this is quite a handful!
Alice makes the time to continue with the program and apply what she learns at home. Creating a healthy home is particularly important for this family of 8. Her son has suffered from high blood pressure since he was small. Alice had been to many doctors to try to find an answer to this problem, since the main contributing factors (which are weight and heredity) are not an issue in her family.
This week she came in extremely happy. She was happy to report that her son has had his blood pressure controlled during these past few months, solely based on what she had taught him!
Alice’s son isn’t the only one in the house that is benefiting from Alice’s healthy lifestyle changes. Her mother, who has had an extremely difficult time losing weight in the past, is amazed by her own weight loss. Even Alice’s husband slimmer waistline is feeling the effects of this new healthy home. It’s apparent, that in this house anyway, health is contagious!
It makes feel so accomplished to know that Skinny Gene is not only making positive changes in Alice’s life, but also her family’s.
And it brings me to want to share this quote with you from the Dalai Lama “With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.”
This makes me feel that not only am I helping an individual person, but we are helping make the world a healthier place one person at a time.
What More???