Q&A: Nutrition Recommendations for Athletes
We receive several comments and questions on our nutrition blog regarding working out. Despite their vigorous workouts, many athletes are finding it... Read More
10 Diabetes Diet Myths
Diabetes is one of the most misunderstood diseases around, and if we hope to fight it, we have to find a way to start dispelling many of the common myths out there, especially about the “diabetes diet”. Please take a minute to read through these top 10 Diabetes Diet Myths. Have you heard or been mislead by any of these? 10... Read More
Burning Calories with “No Time To Workout”
By Emily Barr, MS,RD,CNSC – The number one excuse for skipping a workout is (and I quote) “I don’t have enough time!” ... Read More
Picking the Right Produce ( Organic, Conventionally-grown, GMO)
Curious about your produce? Well, here’s some great news…. To find out if it is conventionally-grown, GMO, or organic produce, you don’t... Read More
Faces of Diabetes: Gold Medalist, Gary Hall Jr.
By Stephanie Watson, WebMD It was the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia. Eight of the top swimmers in the world were... Read More
Q&A: Working Out But Not Getting Rid of Body Fat
We receive several comments and questions on our nutrition blog regarding working out and reducing body fat. There is nothing more frustrating... Read More
Q&A: Working Out & Watching What I Eat with No Results
We receive several comments and questions on our nutrition blog regarding working out. A lot of people are expressing their frustration, because... Read More
Recipe Makeovers – Lasagna
By Amy K. West, Skinny Gene Dietetic Intern from the WIC Program One of my favorite family recipes is lasagna, and there’s many ways to modify... Read More
Understanding Diabetes
By Marlayna Bollinger, Excutive Director -A mom on a mission to prevent type 2 diabetes and staunch believer that one person can... Read More
How Much Water Should I Drink
By Emily Barr, MS,RD,CNSC Water balloons, water parks, and water colors are all components of summertime fun, but what about drinking water? ... Read More
Time to Scale Back- How to Reduce Portion Sizes
HOW TO REDUCE PORTION SIZES The great American road trip is an essential part of most summers. And it wouldn’t be complete... Read More
Just Say No to Yo-Yo Dieting
With bathing suit season just around the corner, it is becoming more and more tempting to avoid the warnings and turn to... Read More
Yo-Yo Dieting
We are posting a variety of articles that discuss the pros and cons of yo-yo dieting. The other articles can be found here. Here’s a... Read More
Yo-yo dieting not so bad for future weight loss after all?
We are posting a variety of articles that discuss the pros and cons of yo-yo dieting. The other articles can be found... Read More
Stopping the Yo-Yo and Starting Healthy Habits
Have you noticed a pattern?
You'll spend a couple of weeks eating clean, exercising and losing weight, but then the pendulum swings and you spend the next week or two indulging in your old unhealthy habits.
After too many days where you're not feeling so good, you'll get back to your clean habits, and so the yo-yo goes.
It's time to stop this vicious cycle that never brings you all the way to your goal – keeping you comfortable enough, yet frustrated.
The good news is that your yo-yo days could be quickly and permanently turned off with this simple mindset change.
Using Nutrition in the Fight Against Cancer
We are pleased to announce our newest guest blogger to our Skinny Gene Family- Jillian McKee. Jillian will be writing about how beneficial eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle is for someone going through the battle of cancer
Fighting Back with Nutrition
Good nutrition is always a good idea. People who eat healthier food feel better, have fewer health issues in general and so on. For those who are or have battled cancer such as mesothelioma, lymphoma or breast or prostate cancer nutrition is far more than just a good idea. It can save your life.
Sneaky Food Swaps to Cut 875 Calories
There are plenty of tasty ways to substitute healthier ingredients for higher-calorie foods without feeling like you’re making a big sacrifice taste-wise. Here are some of favorite swaps.
Try them all and you can save 875 calories!
Make Sure Your Fitness Plan Is Smart
By Maria Crompton, a fitness guru and personal trainer with Fit for Life in San Diego, California. If you’re reading this, you know how important... Read More
How Fad Diets Get it Right
Fad diets make a lot of promises, but usually fail to deliver long-term success. Although they do a lot wrong, like promise rapid weight loss, limit food groups, and are too strict, there is a lot we can learn from fad diets that will allow us to live a healthy lifestyle.
Run to Curb Your Appetite
Exercise isn’t just a good way to take your mind off eating; it may curb your appetite, too. The results suggest that when a craving hits, weight watchers are better off going for a jog than pumping iron.
Through My Daughter’s Eyes
Since my daughter was born, we tried to be a living example of what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. When I see the world through my daughter’s eyes, I see plenty of negative temptations, but I also see hope. She is surrounded by so many people, parents, aunties and uncles, neighbors and friends, all helping to challenge what has become "the norm" and instead promote living healthfully.
Is a Calorie a Calorie?
“Is a calorie a calorie? A calorie may be a calorie when people talk about weight loss and nothing else, there are other factors involved. And once you get past my perhaps lame “Is a calorie a calorie” question, you can begin to see something approaching the truth.
For one thing, says Nestle: “There are dozens of factors involved in weight regulation. It’s hard to lose weight, because the body is set up to defend fat, so you don’t starve to death; the body doesn’t work as well to tell people to stop eating as when to tell them when to start.”
By Emily Barr, MS,RD,CNSC – 1. Kale – 1 cup raw provides: 34 calories, 6.71 grams carbohydrate of which 1.3 grams... Read More
Good Greens That Benefit Every Body
Pin It By Emily Barr, MS,RD,CNSC Green represents a lot of terrific things, like “being green” is good for the environment and... Read More
Keener Broccoli Mac and Cheese
Pin It In preparation for St. Patrick’s day, we asked a few Skinny Gene members for their kid-tested, mother- approved green recipes.... Read More
It’s National Nutrition Month And Registered Dietitian Day!
It's Registered Dietitian Day! What a perfect time to say THANK YOU to our very own Emily Barr, MS,RD,CNSC!
Emily is the brilliant mind behind all of our nutrition programs, including our Boost Your Metabolism program, which has helped educate over 119,741 people in the last year alone.
With so much misinformation out there, we're lucky to have our own metabolism expert to help us focus on the right information, and turn it into easy action plan for living a healthier lifestyle.
6 Surprising Ways Juice Companies Trick You
Just another reason why eating your fruit, vs. drinking it, is the best way to go !! 6 Surprising Ways Juice Companies... Read More
Healthy Eating under $1.00
Eating healthy on a budget is possible. Here are the top 18 foods that you can buy at the grocery store for under $1.00.