Educate. Empower. Prevent.

Division of the J. Moss Foundation

Kids in the Kitchen

We love participating in the annual Junior League Kids in the Kitchen Event!

Kids in the Kitchen is an annual event designed to address the urgent issues surrounding childhood obesity and poor nutrition by getting children and their parents excited about leading a healthy lifestyle through interactive, hands-on activities.

It was such a joy to teach the importance of vitamins to more than 1,500 attendees this year. We are always so impressed by the parent’s desire to create a healthy home for their families, and the kids’ willingness to learn a fact or two.

It doesn’t hurt, of course, that each child is given a “bingo card” that requires a stamp from our Vitamin Central booth to win prizes.

While we try to unload as much fun vitamin knowledge as we can, at times we’d notice adorable little eyes fixated on the stamp tucked in our hands– waiting anxiously for us to reward them for finding our booth.

Most of the time, the kids are like sponges, taking in whatever they can. We are frequently shocked by how knowledgeable they are about nutrition, and their love for fruits and vegetables.

Last year, one little boy even asked Kim (our Skinny Gene RN) if Vitamin K, referred to as the “Clotmaster”, had anything to do with platelets. Wow!

This year’s best response came from a sweet little girl. When Kim asked her “Where are your bones?” She confidently replied, “At home.” Turns out she has a couple of dogs.

Kids in the kitchen is fun and rewarding, in so many ways. Our hope is that the kids will leave realizing that yes, food should taste good; but it also has a purpose. Eating colorful, vitamin rich foods is important- whether they want to be strong like Popeye, have good vision like Superman, or just wanna live life and play in the sun.


One of the most common questions we heard was, “How much Vitamin__ should my kid be getting?” We promised to give you the actual breakdown, so here it is, and a quick reminder as to why your kids need these vitamins.

“How Come?”

Vitamins play an important role in the health and development of our children. Adding vitamin-rich foods into our children’s diet is an easy way to help our children live a long and healthy life.

Our booth focused on a  few of the benefits of eating foods rich in A, C, D (and calcium), E, and K.

Vitamin A: Improves your eyesight and helps your body to fight germs

Vitamin C: Forms collagen, which maintains healthy tissues (muscles and gums). This vitamin also helps to boost your immune system.

Vitamin D: Helps your body to absorb calcium, which grows strong bones.

Vitamin E: Protects your skin from harmful UV rays. This vitamin is also a powerful antioxidant that protects your body from disease.

Vitamin K: Allows your blood to clot, which stops cuts from bleeding. It also helps to bind calcium to the bone.

“How Much?”


Age Vitamin A Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K Calcium
  mcg/day mg/day mcg/day mg/day mcg/day mg/day
0-6 months 400 40 5 4 2 210
7-12 months 500 50 5 5 2.5 270
1-3 years 300 15 5 6 30 500
4-8 years 400 25 5 7 55 800
9-13 years 600 45 5 11 60 1300
14-18 years 900 75 5 15 75 1300
19-30 years 900 90 5 15 120 1000
31-50 years 900 90 5 15 120 1000
51-70 years 900 90 10 15 120 1200
>70 years 900 90 15 15 120 1200
9-13 years 600 45 5 11 60 1300
14-18 years 700 65 5 15 75 1300
19-30 years 700 75 5 15 90 1000
31-50 years 700 75 5 15 90 1000
51-70 years 700 75 10 15 90 1200
>70 years 700 75 15 15 90 1200
<18 years 750 80 5 15 75 1300
19-30 years 770 85 5 15 90 1000
31-50 years 770 85 5 15 90 1000
<18 years 1200 115 5 19 75 1300
19-30 years 1300 120 5 19 90 1000
31-50 years 1300 120 5 19 90 100
Creating a healthy home is hard work and you have to stay on top of your game.  As we learned from our friends at the Kids In The Kitchen event, our kids are actually interested in this information, which is a great start to a healthy life!  We were glad to be a part of this learning experience.  

If you have additional questions, please contact us at or register for our FREE webinar: How to Balance Your Family’s Different Nutritional Needs.

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